
The behavior of the solutions of a nonlinear boundary value problem for a second order elliptic equation in an unbounded domain. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1008.35018

Trans. Mosc. Math. Soc. 2001, 125-147 (2001); translation from Tr. Mosk. Mat. O.-va 62, 136-161 (2001).
This paper is devoted to the behaviour of solutions of \[ Lu:= \sum^n_{i,j=1} {\partial\over \partial x_i}\left (a_{ij}(x){\partial u\over \partial x_j}\right) =0 \] in unbounded domains having various structures: cones, cylinders, paraboloids, and others, with a nonlinear boundary condition \[ {\partial u\over\partial v}+b(x)|u|^{p-1}u=0 \quad\text{or}\quad {\partial u\over \partial v}- b(x)|u|^{p-1} u=0, \] where \(p>0\), \({\partial u\over \partial v}= \sum^n_{i,j=1} a_{ij}(x) {\partial u\over\partial x_j}\cos (n,x_i) \), \(b(x)\gtrless 0\), \(n\) is the outward pointing unit normal. The authors show that the behaviour of the solution essentially depends on the sign of the coefficient \(b(x)\). They prove a Phragmèn-Lindelöf type theorem, together with theorems on the existence of positive solutions and theorems on the lane of such solutions.


35J25 Boundary value problems for second-order elliptic equations
35B05 Oscillation, zeros of solutions, mean value theorems, etc. in context of PDEs
35J65 Nonlinear boundary value problems for linear elliptic equations
35B40 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to PDEs