
Some estimates of the remainder in the expressions for the eigenvalue asymptotics of some singular integral operators. (English) Zbl 0948.45001

Some estimates of the remainder in known asymptotic formulas for convolution operator’s eigenvalues, where the kernels of the operators are \(|x-y|^{\alpha-1}\) and \(\log|x-y|\), are obtained using elementary methods. More precisely, the following formulas are proved: \[ \lambda_n\biggl(\int_{-1}^1|x-y|^{\alpha-1} dy\biggr)=2\Gamma(\alpha)\left(\dfrac 2{n\pi}\right)^{\alpha}\cos\dfrac{\alpha\pi}2 (1+O(n^{-\delta})), \] where \(0<\alpha<1\) and \(\delta\) depends on \(\alpha\) (the formula is explicitly given); \[ \lambda_n\biggl(\int_{-1}^1-\dfrac 1{\pi}\log|x-y|dy\biggr)=\dfrac 2{n\pi}\biggl(1+O\biggl(\dfrac{\sqrt{\log n}}{n^{1/5}}\biggr)\biggr) \] and \(\lambda_n(H)=\frac{\pi n}2(1+O(n^{-1/11}))\), where \[ Hf(x)=\dfrac 1\pi\int_{-1}^1\dfrac{f'(t)}{x-t} dt \] with \(f\in\operatorname{Dom}H\) iff \(f'\in L^1(-1,1)\), \(Hf\in L^2(-1,1)\), \(f(-1)=f(1)=0\) (the integral is taken in the sense of principal value).


45C05 Eigenvalue problems for integral equations
47G10 Integral operators
45P05 Integral operators