
Micromechanics versus macromechanics: A combined approach for metal matrix composite constitutive modelling. (English) Zbl 0936.74007

The cyclic constitutive behaviour description of long fibre metal matrix composites needs to take into account viscoplasticity of the matrix, damage of the constituents and interfaces, manufacture residual stresses and damage deactivation effects. In order to incorporate in the model the main constituent characteristics and the composite parameters (volume fractions, fibre shape and arrangements), we propose here a combined approach, i.e. that of using a micromechanics-based analysis for the thermo-elastoviscoplasticity of the composite with damaging effects when the damage is active (i.e. when the microcracks are open). The developed model is based on transformation field analysis and on the effective stress-effective strain space within the continuum damage mechanics of the constituents.
The model is then applied to a SiC/Ti metal matrix composite with unidirectional long fibres.


74A40 Random materials and composite materials
74E30 Composite and mixture properties
74M25 Micromechanics of solids
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