
SECRET: statistical emulation for computational reverse engineering and translation with applications in healthcare. (English) Zbl 07904357

Summary: There have been impressive advances in the physical and mathematical modelling of complex physiological systems in the last few decades, with the potential to revolutionise personalised healthcare with patient-specific evidence-based diagnosis, risk assessment and treatment decision support using digital twins. However, practical progress and genuine clinical impact hinge on successful model calibration, parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification, which calls for novel innovative adaptions and methodological extensions of contemporary state-of-the-art inference techniques from Statistics and Machine Learning. In the present study, we focus on two computational fluid-dynamics (CFD) models of the blood systemic and pulmonary circulation. We discuss state-of-the-art emulation techniques based on deep learning and Gaussian processes, which are coupled with established inference techniques based on greedy optimisation, simulated annealing, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, History Matching and rejection sampling for computationally fast inference of unknown parameters of the CFD models from blood flow and pressure data. The inference task was set as a competitive challenge which the participants had to conduct within a limited time frame representative of clinical requirements. The performance of the methods was assessed independently and objectively by the challenge organisers, based on a ground truth that was unknown to the method developers. Our results indicate that for the systemic challenge, in which an idealised case of noise-free data was considered, the relative deviation from the ground-truth in parameter space ranges from \(10^{-5}\)% (highest-performing method) to 3% (lowest-performing method). For the pulmonary challenge, for which noisy data was generated, the performance ranges from 0.9% to 7% deviation for the parameter posterior mean, and from 35% to 570% deviation for the parameter posterior variance.


92-XX Biology and other natural sciences
76-XX Fluid mechanics


Equinox; XGBoost; VeLO; Adam
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