
Multitriangulations and tropical Pfaffians. (English) Zbl 07849887

Summary: The \(k\)-associahedron \(\mathcal{A}\mathit{ss}_k(n)\) is the simplicial complex of \((k+1)\)-crossing-free subgraphs of the complete graph with vertices on a circle. Its facets are called \(k\)-triangulations. We explore the connection of \(\mathcal{A}\mathit{ss}_k(n)\) with the Pfaffian variety \(\mathcal{P}\mathit{f}_k(n)\) of antisymmetric matrices of rank \(\leq 2k\). First, we characterize the Gröbner cone \(Grob_k(n)\) for which the initial ideal of \(I(\mathcal{P}\mathit{f}_k(n))\) equals the Stanley-Reisner ideal of \(\mathcal{A}\mathit{ss}_k(n)\) (that is, the monomial ideal generated by \((k+1)\)-crossings). We then look at the tropicalization of \(\mathcal{P}\mathit{f}_k(n)\) and show that \(\mathcal{A}\mathit{ss}_k(n)\) embeds naturally as the intersection of \(trop(\mathcal{P}\mathit{f}_k(n))\) and \(Grob_k(n)\), and that it is contained in the totally positive part \(trop^+(\mathcal{P}\mathit{f}_k(n))\) of it. We show that for \(k=1\) and for each triangulation \(T\) of the \(n\)-gon, the projection of this embedding of \(\mathcal{A}\mathit{ss}_k(n)\) to the \(n-3\) coordinates corresponding to diagonals in \(T\) gives a complete polytopal fan, realizing the associahedron. This fan is linearly isomorphic to the \(g\)-vector fan of the cluster algebra of type \(A\), shown to be polytopal by Hohlweg, Pilaud, and Stella in 2018.


14T15 Combinatorial aspects of tropical varieties
05E45 Combinatorial aspects of simplicial complexes
52B40 Matroids in convex geometry (realizations in the context of convex polytopes, convexity in combinatorial structures, etc.)




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