
Leclerc’s conjecture on a cluster structure for type A Richardson varieties. (English) Zbl 07849776

Summary: Leclerc [32] constructed a conjectural cluster structure on Richardson varieties in simply laced types using cluster categories. We show that in type A, his conjectural cluster structure is in fact a cluster structure. We do this by comparing Leclerc’s construction with another cluster structure on type A Richardson varieties due to Ingermanson [27]. Ingermanson’s construction uses the combinatorics of wiring diagrams and the Deodhar stratification. Though the two cluster structures are defined very differently, we show that the quivers coincide and clusters are related by the twist map for Richardson varieties, recently defined by Galashin-Lam [21].


13F60 Cluster algebras
14M15 Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, flag manifolds
05E40 Combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra


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