
Ion temperature gradient mode driven solitons and shocks in superthermal plasma. (English) Zbl 07848651

Summary: An analysis of the ion temperature gradient driven mode solitary and shock waves in superthermal plasma is presented. Based on the observation in linear region it is shown that the phase velocity of the mode has strong dependency on superthermal particles population and on ion temperature. Linear dispersion relation is reduced to two different results by considering different limiting cases: (i) when superthermality (\(\boldsymbol{\kappa}\)) is ignored in the system and (ii) when the fluctuations are caused by \(\mathbf{E} \times \mathbf{B}\) convection only. In nonlinear regime we in our investigations observe that, nonlinear waves are strongly modified in superthermal plasmas. Furthermore, the different parametric analysis clearly shows that speed and the energy of these nonlinear structures driven by ion temperature gradient modify. These parametric analysis are quite constructive, which in turns may provide help in future designing of plasma fusion devices. The present investigation of this article may have its relevance to astrophysical and laboratory plasma.


82-XX Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
82Dxx Applications of statistical mechanics to specific types of physical systems
76Xxx Ionized gas flow in electromagnetic fields; plasmic flow
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