
The use of spatial data mining methods for modeling HR challenges of generation Z in greater Poland region. (English) Zbl 07700327

Summary: Challenges connected with neuroscience and the use of machine learning to support analytical processes encompass more and more areas, thus supporting practitioners and managerial decisions. These changes can also be seen in the area of human resource management and support for decisions on key future spending on the remuneration of future employees. The article presents an original spatial data enrichment and spatial data mining methodology used for the analysis of primary data based on a sample of 1149 young candidates from generation Z to measure the effectiveness of data mining learning methods. The studies used data collected directly from surveys that were “enriched” with spatial geolocation. The fact that the spatial context was taken into account in the studies made it possible to develop a model explaining the spatio-temporal differentiation of professional expectations of respondents from generation Z who were studying professions connected with broadly understood IT. The analyzes used modeling with linear polynomial regression, the neural network of a multi-layer perceptron type and the multivariate adaptive regression splines method in the variant with and without spatial data filtration. The use of different spatial data mining methods made it possible to compare the reliability of models of knowledge extraction from the data and to explain the significance of individual factors which affected the respondents’ beliefs. The analysis shows that spatial filtering of the data generates twice lower mean squared error while effective application of machine learning methods requires the use of explanatory spatial data.


90Bxx Operations research and management science
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