
Probing the nuclear deformation with three-particle asymmetric cumulant in RHIC isobar runs. (English) Zbl 1521.81427

Summary: \(_{44}^{96}\mathrm{Ru}+_{44}^{96}\mathrm{Ru}\) and \(_{40}^{96}\mathrm{Zr}+_{40}^{96}\mathrm{Zr}\) collisions at \(\sqrt{ s_{_{\operatorname{NN}}}} = 200\) GeV provide unique opportunities to study the geometry and fluctuations raised from the deformation of the colliding nuclei. Using iEBE-VISHNU hybrid model, we predict \(\operatorname{ac}_2 \{3 \}\) ratios between these two collision systems and demonstrate that the ratios of \(\operatorname{ac}_2 \{3 \} \), as well as the ratios of the involving flow harmonics and event-plane correlations, are sensitive to quadrupole and octupole deformations, which could provide strong constrains on the shape differences between \(^{96}\mathrm{Ru}\) and \(^{96}\mathrm{Zr}\). We also study the nonlinear response coefficients \(\chi_{4 , 22} \), which show insensitivity to the deformation effect.


81U35 Inelastic and multichannel quantum scattering
81V35 Nuclear physics
81V60 Mono-, di- and multipole moments (EM and other), gyromagnetic relations
54C56 Shape theory in general topology




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