
The relevance logic of Boolean groups. (English) Zbl 1515.03117

Summary: In this article, I consider the positive logic of Boolean groups (i.e. abelian groups where every non-identity element has order 2), where these are taken as frames for an operational semantics à la Urquhart. I call this logic BG. It is shown that the logic over the smallest nontrivial Boolean group, taken as a frame, is identical to the positive fragment of a quasi-relevance logic that was developed by G. Robles and J. M. Méndez [Log. J. IGPL 24, No. 5, 838–858 (2016; Zbl 1405.03061)] (an extension of this result where negation is included is also discussed). It is proved that BG satisfies the variable sharing property and is Halldén complete, while failing to satisfy the disjunction property. Sound and complete subscripted tableaux are presented for BG. An axiomatization (in the positive language extended with fusion) is presented, which is sound with respect to BG and, with respect to a related ternary relational semantics, complete; the problem of identifying a complete axiomatization for BG itself is left open. Connections between BG and the quasi-relevance logic KR are also discussed.


03B47 Substructural logics (including relevance, entailment, linear logic, Lambek calculus, BCK and BCI logics)


Zbl 1405.03061
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