
Decorated merge trees for persistent topology. (English) Zbl 1525.55006

In the present article the authors introduce a novel invariant for persistent spaces, i.e.spaces together with a fixed filtration which is considered part of the space’s data. The new invariant, called the decorated merge tree, combines information given by \(\pi_0\) and \(\operatorname{H}_n\) in a single mathematical object. The main new feature is that the decorated merge tree associates persistent homology classes to their corresponding persistent connected components in the given filtration. This allows for the distinction of persistent spaces with identical merge trees and barcodes.
The authors provide definitions and constructions for decorated merge trees in three slightly different mathematical settings: a first one adapted to category theory, a second one adapted to representation theory, and a third one adapted to barcodes.
The categorical decorated merge tree is a persistent parametrized vector space which relies on parametrization by connected components of the persistent space at hand.
The concrete decorated merge tree is a functor \((\mathcal{M}_F,\leq)\rightarrow \operatorname{Vect}\) which assigns to every element \(x\in (\mathcal{M}_F,\leq)\) of the usual merge tree \((\mathcal{M}_F,\leq)\) the vector space given by the \(n\)-th homology of the persistent connected component which corresponds to \(x\).
Similarly, the barcode decorated merge tree assigns the corresponding \(n\)-th barcode to a persistent connected component corresponding to an element of \((\mathcal{M}_F,\leq)\).
After a general introduction in the first section and the mathematical introduction of the three different variants of decorated merge trees in the second section, the authors investigate the continuity and stability properties of decorated merge trees in the third section. In the fourth section, the authors give a criterion for when a decorated merge tree can be decomposed into a direct sum of decorated merge trees over a totally ordered index set. Sections five and six are about computational and algorithmic aspects of decorated merge trees and distances between them. The authors conclude the article with a summary of the results and a discussion of possible future directions in Section 7. The appendices provide more theoretical background and technical proofs which have been removed from the main body of the article.


55N31 Persistent homology and applications, topological data analysis


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