
Gaussian copula joint models to analysis mixed correlated longitudinal count and continuous responses. (English) Zbl 07532211

Summary: Gaussian Copula joint models for analyzing mixed correlated longitudinal continuous and count responses with random effects are presented where the count response is defined by a latent variable approach, and its distribution is a member of the power series family of distributions. A copula-based joint model is proposed that accounts for associations between count and continuous responses. A full likelihood-based inference method for estimation is used by which maximum likelihood estimation of parameters is obtained. To illustrate the utility of the models, some simulation studies are performed. Finally, the proposed models are motivated by analyzing a medical data set where the correlated responses are the number of joint damaged obtained from the severity of osteoporosis (count response) and Body Mass Index (continuous response). Effects of some covariates on responses are investigated simultaneously. Besides, identifiability of parameters, detection of outlines by examining residuals and sensitivity analyses are fully investigated.


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