
Nominal unification and matching of higher order expressions with recursive let. (English) Zbl 1540.68114

Summary: A sound and complete algorithm for nominal unification of higher-order expressions with a recursive let is described, and shown to run in nondeterministic polynomial time. We also explore specializations like nominal letrec-matching for expressions, for DAGs, and for garbage-free expressions and determine their complexity. We also provide a nominal unification algorithm for higher-order expressions with recursive let and atom-variables, where we show that it also runs in nondeterministic polynomial time. In addition we prove that there is a guessing strategy for nominal unification with letrec and atom-variable that is a trade-off between exponential growth and non-determinism. Nominal matching with variables representing partial letrec-environments is also shown to be in NP.


68Q42 Grammars and rewriting systems
03B40 Combinatory logic and lambda calculus


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