
Thermodynamic and electromagnetic properties of the eta-pairing superconductivity in the Penson-Kolb model. (English) Zbl 07482548

Summary: In the paper, we study the thermodynamic and electromagnetic properties of the Penson-Kolb (PK) model, i.e., the tight-binding model for fermionic particles with the pair-hopping interaction \(J\). We focus on the case of repulsive \(J\) (i.e., \(J<0\)), which can stabilize the eta-pairing superconductivity with Cooper-pair center-of-mass momentum \(\vec{q} = \vec{Q}\), \(\vec{Q} = (\pi/a, \pi/a, \dots)\). Numerical calculations are performed for several \(d\)-dimensional hypercubic lattices: \(d = 2\) (the square lattice, SQ), \(d = 3\) (the simple cubic lattice) and \(d = \infty\) hypercubic lattice (for arbitrary particle concentration \(0 < n < 2\) and temperature \(T\)). The ground state \(J\) versus \(n\) phase diagrams and the crossover to the Bose-Einstein condensation regime are analyzed and the evolution of the superfluid characteristics are examined within the (broken symmetry) Hartree-Fock approximation (HFA). The critical fields, the coherence length, the London penetration depth, and the Ginzburg ratio are determined at \(T = 0\) and \(T > 0\) as a function of \(n\) and pairing strength. The analysis of the effects of the Fock term on the ground state phase boundaries and on selected PK model characteristics is performed as well as the influence of the phase fluctuations on the eta-pairing superconductivity is investigated. Within the Kosterlitz-Thouless scenario, the critical temperatures \(T_{KT}\) are estimated for \(d = 2\) SQ lattice and compared with the critical temperature \(T_c\) obtained from HFA. We also determine the temperature \(T_m\) at which minimal gap between two quasiparticle bands vanishes in the eta-phase. Our results for repulsive \(J\) are contrasted with those found earlier for the PK model with attractive \(J\) (i.e., with \(J > 0\)).


82-XX Statistical mechanics, structure of matter


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