
Convergence to nonlinear diffusion waves for a hyperbolic-parabolic chemotaxis system modelling vasculogenesis. (English) Zbl 1483.35035

Summary: In this paper, we are concerned with a quasi-linear hyperbolic-parabolic system of persistence and endogenous chemotaxis modelling vasculogenesis. Under some suitable structural assumption on the pressure function, we first predict and derive the system admits a nonlinear diffusion wave in \(\mathbb{R}\) driven by the damping effect. Then we show that the solution of the concerned system will locally and asymptotically converge to this nonlinear diffusion wave if the wave strength is small. By using the time-weighted energy estimates, we further prove that the convergence rate of the nonlinear diffusion wave is algebraic.


35B40 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to PDEs
35B45 A priori estimates in context of PDEs
35G55 Initial value problems for systems of nonlinear higher-order PDEs
35K57 Reaction-diffusion equations
92C17 Cell movement (chemotaxis, etc.)


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