
Fano manifolds and stability of tangent bundles. (English) Zbl 1472.14044

Let \(X\) be a Fano manifold, that is a complex projective manifold such that the anticanonical divisor \(-K_X\) is ample. If the Picard number of \(X\) is one, a widely believed folklore conjecture claims that the tangent bundle \(T_X\) is semistable (in the sense of Mumford-Takemoto). In this paper the author gives a series of counterexamples to this conjecture!
The counterexamples are obtained by a family of horospherical varieties classified by B. Pasquier [Math. Ann. 344, No. 4, 963–987 (2009; Zbl 1173.14028)]: for these manifolds the action of the group \(\mbox{Aut}^0(X)\) on \(X\) has two orbits, the open orbit \(X^0\) and a closed orbit \(Z\). Moreover the action on the blow-up \(\mbox{Bl}_Z X\) again has two orbits, the open orbit \(X^0\) and the exceptional divisor \(E\). The manifold \(\mbox{Bl}_Z X\) admits a smooth fibration onto a lower-dimensional manifold \(Y\), the push-forward of the relative tangent bundle to \(X\) defines an algebraically integrable foliation \(\mathcal F \subset T_X\). The author shows that this foliation is canonical in the sense that it is the unique algebraically integrable foliation on \(X\) that is \(\mbox{Aut}^0(X)\)-invariant. General arguments show that the stability of \(T_X\) can be verified by computing the slope of the foliation \(\mathcal F\). It turns out that for infinitely many manifolds in Pasquier’s list, the subsheaf \(\mathcal F \subset T_X\) destabilises the tangent bundle. The reviewer recommends to any complex geometer to read this beautiful paper.


14J45 Fano varieties
32Q26 Notions of stability for complex manifolds
14J60 Vector bundles on surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties, and their moduli
53C55 Global differential geometry of Hermitian and Kählerian manifolds


Zbl 1173.14028


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