
A Coxeter spectral classification of positive edge-bipartite graphs. II: Dynkin type \(\mathbb{D}_n\). (English) Zbl 1459.05113

Summary: We continue the Coxeter spectral study of finite positive edge-bipartite signed (multi)graphs \(\Delta\) (bigraphs, for short), with \(n\geq 2\) vertices started in [the author, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 27, No. 2, 827–854 (2013; Zbl 1272.05072)] and developed in [the author, Linear Algebra Appl. 557, 105–133 (2018; Zbl 1396.05049)]. We do it by means of the non-symmetric Gram matrix \(\check{G}_{\Delta}\in \mathbb{M}_n(\mathbb{Z})\) defining \(\Delta\), its Gram quadratic form \(q_{\Delta}:\mathbb{Z}^n\to\mathbb{Z}\), \(v\mapsto v\cdot\check{G}_{\Delta}\cdot v^{tr}\) (that is positive definite, by definition), the complex spectrum \(\operatorname{specc}_{\Delta}\subset\mathcal{S}^1:=\{z\in\mathbb{C},|z|=1\}\) of the Coxeter matrix \(\operatorname{Cox}_{\Delta}:=-\check{G}_{\Delta}\cdot \check{G}_{\Delta}^{-tr}\in\mathbb{M}_n(\mathbb{Z})\), called the Coxeter spectrum of \(\Delta\), and the Coxeter polynomial \(\operatorname{cox}_{\Delta}(t):=\det(t\cdot E-\operatorname{Cox}_{\Delta})\in\mathbb{Z} [t]\). One of the aims of the Coxeter spectral analysis is to classify the connected bigraphs \(\Delta\) with \(n\geq 2\) vertices up to the \(\ell\)-weak Gram \(\mathbb{Z}\)-congruence \(\Delta\sim_{\ell\mathbb{Z}} \Delta^\prime\) and up to the strong Gram \(\mathbb{Z}\)-congruence \(\Delta\approx_{\mathbb{Z}}\Delta^\prime\), where \(\Delta\sim_{\ell\mathbb{Z}}\Delta^\prime\) (resp. \(\Delta\approx_{\mathbb{Z}}\Delta^\prime)\) means that \(\det \check{G}_{\Delta}=\det \check{G}_{\Delta^\prime}\) and \(G_{\Delta^\prime}=B^{tr}\cdot G_{\Delta}\cdot B\) (resp. \(\check{G}_{\Delta^\prime}=B^{tr}\cdot \check{G}_{\Delta}\cdot B)\), for some \(B\in\mathbb{M}_n(\mathbb{Z})\) with \(\det B=\pm 1\), where \(G_{\Delta}:=\frac{1}{2}[\check{G}_{\Delta}+\check{G}_{\Delta}^{tr}]\in \mathbb{M}_n(\frac{1}{2}\mathbb{Z})\).
Here we study connected signed simple graphs \(\Delta\), with \(n\geq 2\) vertices, that are positive, i.e., the symmetric Gram matrix \(G_{\Delta}\in\mathbb{M}_n(\frac{1}{2}\mathbb{Z})\) of \(\Delta\) is positive definite. It is known that every such a signed graph is \(\ell\)-weak Gram \(\mathbb{Z}\)-congruent with a unique simply laced Dynkin graph \(\operatorname{Dyn}_{\Delta} \in\{\mathbb{A}_n,\mathbb{D}_n,n\geq 4,\mathbb{E}_6, \mathbb{E}_7,\mathbb{E}_8\}\), called the Dynkin type of \(\Delta\). A classification up to the strong Gram \(\mathbb{Z}\)-congruence \(\Delta\approx_{\mathbb{Z}}\Delta^\prime\) is still an open problem and only partial results are known. In this paper, we obtain such a classification for the positive signed simple graphs \(\Delta\) of Dynkin type \(\mathbb{D}_n\) by means of the family of the signed graphs \(\mathcal{D}_n^{(1)}=\mathbb{D}_n, \mathcal{D}_n^{(2)},\dots,\mathcal{D}_n^{(r_n)}\) constructed in Section 2, for any \(n\geq 4\), where \(r_n=\llcorner n/2\lrcorner\). More precisely, we prove that any connected signed simple graph of Dynkin type \(\mathbb{D}_n\), with \(n\geq 4\) vertices, is strongly \(\mathbb{Z}\)-congruent with a signed graph \(\mathcal{D}_n^{(s)}\), for some \(s\leq r_n\), and its Coxeter polynomial \(\operatorname{cox}_{\Delta}(t)\) is of the form \((t^s+1)(t^{n-s}+1)\). We do it by a matrix morsification type reduction to the classification of the conjugacy classes in the integral orthogonal group \(\operatorname{O}(n, \mathbb{Z})\) of the integer orthogonal matrices \(C\), with \(\det(E-C)=4\).


05C22 Signed and weighted graphs
05C50 Graphs and linear algebra (matrices, eigenvalues, etc.)
11E04 Quadratic forms over general fields
15A63 Quadratic and bilinear forms, inner products
68R05 Combinatorics in computer science
68W30 Symbolic computation and algebraic computation


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