
On optimal leader’s investments strategy in a cyclic model of innovation race with random inventions times. (English) Zbl 1457.91205

Summary: In this paper, we develop a new dynamic model of optimal investments in R&D and manufacturing for a technological leader competing with a large number of identical followers on the market of a technological product. The model is formulated in the form of the infinite time horizon stochastic optimization problem. The evolution of new generations of the product is treated as a Poisson-type cyclic stochastic process. The technology spillovers effect acts as a driving force of technological change. We show that the original probabilistic problem that the leader is faced with can be reduced to a deterministic one. This result makes it possible to perform analytical studies and numerical calculations. Numerical simulations and economic interpretations are presented as well.


91B38 Production theory, theory of the firm
91B32 Resource and cost allocation (including fair division, apportionment, etc.)
91B70 Stochastic models in economics


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