
Scaling description of generalization with number of parameters in deep learning. (English) Zbl 1459.82250

Summary: Supervised deep learning involves the training of neural networks with a large number \(N\) of parameters. For large enough \(N\), in the so-called over-parametrized regime, one can essentially fit the training data points. Sparsity-based arguments would suggest that the generalization error increases as \(N\) grows past a certain threshold \(N^*\). Instead, empirical studies have shown that in the over-parametrized regime, generalization error keeps decreasing with \(N\). We resolve this paradox through a new framework. We rely on the so-called Neural Tangent Kernel, which connects large neural nets to kernel methods, to show that the initialization causes finite-size random fluctuations \(\|f_N-\langle{f}_N\rangle\|\sim N^{-1/4}\) of the neural net output function \(f_N\) around its expectation \(\langle{f}_N\rangle \). These affect the generalization error \(\epsilon(f_N)\) for classification: under natural assumptions, it decays to a plateau value \(\epsilon(f_{\infty})\) in a power-law fashion \(\sim N^{-1/2} \). This description breaks down at a so-called jamming transition \(N = N^*\). At this threshold, we argue that \(\|f_N\|\) diverges. This result leads to a plausible explanation for the cusp in test error known to occur at \(N^*\). Our results are confirmed by extensive empirical observations on the MNIST and CIFAR image datasets. Our analysis finally suggests that, given a computational envelope, the smallest generalization error is obtained using several networks of intermediate sizes, just beyond \(N^*\), and averaging their outputs.


82C32 Neural nets applied to problems in time-dependent statistical mechanics
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence


ImageNet; AlexNet; Adam; MNIST


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