
Homogenization of nonlinear hyperbolic stochastic partial differential equations with nonlinear damping and forcing. (English) Zbl 1436.60065

Summary: In this paper we deal with the homogenization of stochastic nonlinear hyperbolic equations with periodically oscillating coefficients involving nonlinear damping and forcing driven by a multi-dimensional Wiener process. Using the two-scale convergence method and crucial probabilistic compactness results due to Prokhorov and Skorokhod, we show that the sequence of solutions of the original problem converges in suitable topologies to the solution of a homogenized problem, which is a nonlinear damped stochastic hyperbolic partial differential equation. More importantly, we also prove the convergence of the associated energies and establish a crucial corrector result.


60H15 Stochastic partial differential equations (aspects of stochastic analysis)
80M35 Asymptotic analysis for problems in thermodynamics and heat transfer
80M40 Homogenization for problems in thermodynamics and heat transfer
35L70 Second-order nonlinear hyperbolic equations
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