
Disease embryo development network reveals the relationship between disease genes and embryo development genes. (English) Zbl 1397.92328

Summary: A basic problem for contemporary biology and medicine is exploring the correlation between human disease and underlying cellular mechanisms. For a long time, several efforts were made to reveal the similarity between embryo development and disease process, but few from the system level. In this article, we used the human protein-protein interactions (PPIs), disease genes with their classifications and embryo development genes and reconstructed a human disease-embryo development network to investigate the relationship between disease genes and embryo development genes. We found that disease genes and embryo development genes are prone to connect with each other. Furthermore, diseases can be categorized into three groups according to the closeness with embryo development in gene overlapping, interacting pattern in PPI network and co-regulated by microRNAs or transcription factors. Embryo development high-related disease genes show their closeness with embryo development at least in three biological levels. But it is not for embryo development medium-related disease genes and embryo development low-related disease genes. We also found that embryo development high-related disease genes are more central than other disease genes in the human PPI network. In addition, the results show that embryo development high-related disease genes tend to be essential genes compared with other diseases’ genes. This network-based approach could provide evidence for the intricate correlation between disease process and embryo development, and help to uncover potential mechanisms of human complex diseases.


92C50 Medical applications (general)
92C15 Developmental biology, pattern formation
92D10 Genetics and epigenetics
92C42 Systems biology, networks




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