
Soft methods for data science. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 8th international conference on soft methods in probability and statistics, SMPS 2016, Rome, Italy, September 12–14, 2016. (English) Zbl 1355.62005

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 456. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-42971-7/pbk; 978-3-319-42972-4/ebook). xvi, 535 p. (2017).

Show indexed articles as search result.

The articles of mathematical interest will be reviewed individually. For the preceding conference see [Zbl 1312.68007].
Indexed articles:
Anzilli, Luca; Facchinetti, Gisella, Mean value and variance of fuzzy numbers with non-continuous membership functions, 1-8 [Zbl 1422.62011]
Arias García, José De Jesús; De Meyer, Hans; De Baets, Bernard, On the construction of radially symmetric trivariate copulas, 9-15 [Zbl 1422.62012]
Bartkowiak, Marcin; Rutkowska, Aleksandra, Black-Litterman model with multiple experts’ linguistic views, 35-43 [Zbl 1422.62013]
Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro, Asymptotics of predictive distributions, 53-60 [Zbl 1422.62014]
Blanco-Fernández, Angela; Ramos-Guajardo, Ana B., Independent \(k\)-sample equality distribution test based on the fuzzy representation, 61-68 [Zbl 1422.62015]
Borgelt, Christian; Kruse, Rudolf, Agglomerative fuzzy clustering, 69-77 [Zbl 1373.62337]
Briscolini, Dario; Liseo, Brunero; Tancredi, Andrea, Bayesian inference for a finite population total using linked data, 79-86 [Zbl 1422.62016]
Bronevich, Andrey G.; Rozenberg, Igor N., The extension of imprecise probabilities based on generalized credal sets, 87-94 [Zbl 1422.62017]
Cassese, Gianluca, The representation of conglomerative functionals, 103-111 [Zbl 1422.62018]
Coletti, Giulianella; Petturiti, Davide; Vantaggi, Barbara, A Savage-like representation theorem for preferences on multi-acts, 127-134 [Zbl 1422.62019]
D’Orazio, Marcello; Di Zio, Marco; Scanu, Mauro, The use of uncertainty to choose matching variables in statistical matching, 149-156 [Zbl 1373.62043]
Di Lascio, F. Marta L.; Durante, Fabrizio; Jaworski, Piotr, A test for truncation invariant dependence, 173-180 [Zbl 1373.62271]
Di Mari, Roberto; Rocci, Roberto; Gattone, Stefano Antonio, Finite mixture of linear regression models: an adaptive constrained approach to maximum likelihood estimation, 181-186 [Zbl 1422.62020]
Grzegorzewski, Przemysław; Śpiewak, Martyna, The sign test for interval-valued data, 269-276 [Zbl 1373.62220]
Lepskiy, Alexander, The qualitative characteristics of combining evidence with discounting, 311-318 [Zbl 1422.62021]
Macci, Claudio, Asymptotic results for sums of independent random variables with alternating laws, 339-346 [Zbl 1422.62022]
Martín, Javier; Mayor, Gaspar, Dispersion measures and multidistances on \(\mathbb {R}^k\), 347-354 [Zbl 1422.62023]
Pelessoni, Renato; Vicig, Paolo, A sandwich theorem for natural extensions, 391-398 [Zbl 1422.62024]
Petturiti, Davide; Vantaggi, Barbara, Envelopes of joint probabilities with given marginals under absolute continuity or equivalence constraints, 399-406 [Zbl 1422.62025]
Ramos-Guajardo, Ana B.; Blanco-Fernández, Ángela, Two-sample similarity test for the expected value of random intervals, 423-430 [Zbl 1422.62026]
Van Camp, Arthur; Miranda, Enrique; de Cooman, Gert, Lexicographic choice functions without archimedeanicity, 479-486 [Zbl 1422.62027]
Wang, Xia; Guan, Li, An upper bound estimation about the sample average of interval-valued random sets, 519-524 [Zbl 1422.62028]


62-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to statistics
62-07 Data analysis (statistics) (MSC2010)
62Pxx Applications of statistics
68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science
68P99 Theory of data
68T37 Reasoning under uncertainty in the context of artificial intelligence
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1312.68007
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