
Mathematical and theoretical neuroscience. Cell, network and data analysis. Based on the presentations at the INDAM meeting, Cortona, Italy, September 2016. (English) Zbl 1392.92006

Springer INdAM Series 24. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-68296-9/hbk; 978-3-319-68297-6/ebook). ix, 253 p. (2018).

Show indexed articles as search result.

Publisher’s description: This volume gathers contributions from theoretical, experimental and computational researchers who are working on various topics in theoretical/computational/mathematical neuroscience. The focus is on mathematical modeling, analytical and numerical topics, and statistical analysis in neuroscience with applications. The following subjects are considered: mathematical modelling in neuroscience, analytical and numerical topics; statistical analysis in neuroscience; neural networks; theoretical neuroscience. The book is addressed to researchers involved in mathematical models applied to neuroscience.
The articles of mathematical interest will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Roccasalvo, Iolanda Morana; Micera, Silvestro; Sergi, Pier Nicola, Chemotactic guidance of growth cones: a hybrid computational model, 45-59 [Zbl 1401.92020]
Fasoli, Diego; Cattani, Anna; Panzeri, Stefano, Bifurcation analysis of a sparse neural network with cubic topology, 87-98 [Zbl 1401.92026]
Andreis, Luisa; Dai Pra, Paolo; Fischer, Markus, Simultaneous jumps in interacting particle systems: from neuronal networks to a general framework, 99-110 [Zbl 1401.92022]
Gökçe, Aytül; Coombes, Stephen; Avitabile, Daniele, Neural fields: localised states with piece-wise constant interactions, 111-121 [Zbl 1401.92029]
Favali, Marta; Citti, Giovanna; Sarti, Alessandro, Mathematical models of visual perception based on cortical architectures, 123-133 [Zbl 1401.92027]
Franceschiello, Benedetta; Sarti, Alessandro; Citti, Giovanna, Mathematical models of visual perception for the analysis of geometrical optical illusions, 135-149 [Zbl 1401.92028]
Di Garbo, Angelo, Theory and application of nonlinear time series analysis, 177-200 [Zbl 1401.92024]
Satuvuori, Eero; Malvestio, Irene; Kreuz, Thomas, Measures of spike train synchrony and directionality, 201-222 [Zbl 1401.92038]
Delis, Ioannis; Onken, Arno; Panzeri, Stefano, Space-by-time tensor decomposition for single-trial analysis of neural signals, 223-237 [Zbl 1401.92023]
Sorrentino, Alberto; Piana, Michele, Inverse modeling for MEG/EEG data, 239-253 [Zbl 1401.92134]


92-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to biology
92C20 Neural biology
92B20 Neural networks for/in biological studies, artificial life and related topics
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
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