
Analytic and probabilistic approaches to dynamics in negative curvature. Based on the presentations at the INdAM workshop “Geometric, analytic and probabilistic approaches to dynamics in negative curvatrure”, Rome, Italy, May 13–17, 2013. (English) Zbl 1296.37002

Springer INdAM Series 9. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-04806-2/hbk; 978-3-319-04807-9/ebook). xi, 138 p. (2014).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Le Borgne, Stéphane, Martingales in hyperbolic geometry, 1-63 [Zbl 1352.37096]
Faure, Frédéric; Tsujii, Masato, Semiclassical approach for the Ruelle-Pollicott spectrum of hyperbolic dynamics, 65-135 [Zbl 1352.37062]


37-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to dynamical systems and ergodic theory
37D20 Uniformly hyperbolic systems (expanding, Anosov, Axiom A, etc.)
37C30 Functional analytic techniques in dynamical systems; zeta functions, (Ruelle-Frobenius) transfer operators, etc.
37D40 Dynamical systems of geometric origin and hyperbolicity (geodesic and horocycle flows, etc.)
58J65 Diffusion processes and stochastic analysis on manifolds
60G42 Martingales with discrete parameter
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
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