
Implementation, capabilities, and benchmarking of shift, a massively parallel Monte Carlo radiation transport code. (English) Zbl 1351.82083

Summary: This work discusses the implementation, capabilities, and validation of Shift, a massively parallel Monte Carlo radiation transport package authored at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Shift has been developed to scale well from laptops to small computing clusters to advanced supercomputers and includes features such as support for multiple geometry and physics engines, hybrid capabilities for variance reduction methods such as the Consistent Adjoint-Driven Importance Sampling methodology, advanced parallel decompositions, and tally methods optimized for scalability on supercomputing architectures. The scaling studies presented in this paper demonstrate good weak and strong scaling behavior for the implemented algorithms. Shift has also been validated and verified against various reactor physics benchmarks, including the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors’ Virtual Environment for Reactor Analysis criticality test suite and several Westinghouse \(AP1000^{\circledR}\) problems presented in this paper. These benchmark results compare well to those from other contemporary Monte Carlo codes such as MCNP5 and KENO.


82C80 Numerical methods of time-dependent statistical mechanics (MSC2010)
65C05 Monte Carlo methods
65Y05 Parallel numerical computation
65Y15 Packaged methods for numerical algorithms
82D75 Nuclear reactor theory; neutron transport
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