
Simulation of sharp interface multi-material flows involving an arbitrary number of components through an extended five-equation model. (English) Zbl 1351.76097

Summary: In this paper, we present an anti-diffusive method dedicated to the simulation of interface flows on Cartesian grids involving an arbitrary number \(m\) of compressible components. Our work is two-fold: first, we introduce a \(m\) -component flow model that generalizes a classic two material five-equation model. In that way, interfaces are localized using color function discontinuities and a pressure equilibrium closure law is used to complete this new model. The resulting model is demonstrated to be hyperbolic under simple assumptions and consistent. Second, we present a discretization strategy for this model relying on a Lagrange-Remap scheme. Here, the projection step involves an anti-dissipative mechanism allowing to prevent numerical diffusion of the material interfaces. The proposed solver is built ensuring consistency and stability properties but also that the sum of the color functions remains equal to one. The resulting scheme is first order accurate and conservative for the mass, momentum, energy and partial masses. Furthermore, the obtained discretization preserves Riemann invariants like pressure and velocity at the interfaces. Finally, validation computations of this numerical method are performed on several tests in one and two dimensions. The accuracy of the method is also compared to results obtained with the upwind Lagrange-Remap scheme.


76M12 Finite volume methods applied to problems in fluid mechanics
76T30 Three or more component flows
65M08 Finite volume methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs


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