
An efficient compact quadratic convex reformulation for general integer quadratic programs. (English) Zbl 1267.90092

Summary: We address the exact solution of general integer quadratic programs with linear constraints. These programs constitute a particular case of mixed-integer quadratic programs for which we introduce in our work [Math. Program. 131, No. 1–2(A), 381–401 (2012; Zbl 1235.90100)] a general solution method based on quadratic convex reformulation, that we called MIQCR. This reformulation consists in designing an equivalent quadratic program with a convex objective function. The problem reformulated by MIQCR has a relatively important size that penalizes its solution time. In this paper, we propose a convex reformulation less general than MIQCR because it is limited to the general integer case, but that has a significantly smaller size. We call this approach compact quadratic convex reformulation (CQCR). We evaluate CQCR from the computational point of view. We perform our experiments on instances of general integer quadratic programs with one equality constraint. We show that CQCR is much faster than MIQCR and than the general nonlinear solver BARON (see [N. V. Sahinidis and M. Tawarmalani, “BARON 9.0.4: Global optimization of mixed-integer nonlinear programs”, User’s manual (2010])) to solve these instances. Then, we consider the particular class of binary quadratic programs. We compare MIQCR and CQCR on instances of the constrained task assignment problem. These experiments show that CQCR can solve instances that MIQCR and other existing methods fail to solve.


90C20 Quadratic programming
90C10 Integer programming


Zbl 1235.90100


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