
When radical of primary submodules are prime submodules. (English) Zbl 1226.13011

It is well known that, when \(R\) is a commutative ring with identity, the radical of a primary ideal of \(R\) is a prime ideal of \(R\). The purpose of the present paper is to made an attempt for generalizing this property to modules.
The main results can be summarized as follows: let \(R\) be a ring, if one of the following conditions holds then, for every primary submodule \(Q\) of an \(R\)-module \(M\), rad\((Q) = M\) or rad\((Q)\) is a prime submodule of \(M\):
(1) \(R\) is a ZPI-ring, or an almost multiplication ring, or an arithmetical ring satisfying locally ACC on principal ideals;
(2) \(M\) is a special module, or a secondary representable module, or a module with DCC on cyclic submodules, or a module with DCC on the submodules of the form \(\{ r^n M\mid n \in \mathbb N \}\), for each \(r \in R\).


13C99 Theory of modules and ideals in commutative rings
13C13 Other special types of modules and ideals in commutative rings
13E05 Commutative Noetherian rings and modules
13F05 Dedekind, Prüfer, Krull and Mori rings and their generalizations
13F15 Commutative rings defined by factorization properties (e.g., atomic, factorial, half-factorial)
16D80 Other classes of modules and ideals in associative algebras
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