
Calculations of gas thermal radiation transfer in one-dimensional planar enclosure using LBL and SNB models. (English) Zbl 1227.80014

Summary: Thermal radiation transfer in one-dimensional enclosure between two parallel plates filled with real gases, namely CO\(_{2}\), H\(_{2}\)O, or their mixtures, was calculated using the line-by-line approach and the statistical narrow-band model. Line-by-line calculations were carried out using the HITEMP1995, HITRAN2004, HITRAN2008, HITEMP2010, and updated CDSD-1000 databases. This study demonstrates the importance of spectral database to the accuracy of line-by-line calculations through a systematic comparison of line-by-line results using different databases. Calculations of the statistical narrow-band model were conducted using the EM2C narrow-band database. The strong dependence of line-by-line results on the spectral database was demonstrated through several gas radiation transfer problems in planar-plate enclosure containing real gases of both isothermal or non-isothermal and uniform or non-uniform concentrations at 1 atm. Fairly significant differences were found between the line-by-line results using the HITEMP2010 database and those using older databases. Very good agreement in both the wall heat flux and the radiative source term was observed between the line-by-line results using the HITEMP2010 database and the results of the statistical narrow-band model in all the cases tested, confirming the EM2C narrow-band parameters for both H\(_{2}\)O and CO\(_{2}\) are accurate. For cases involving CO\(_{2}\) the line-by-line results using the HITEMP2010 database are in excellent agreement with those using the updated CDSD-1000 databases. The line-by-line results based on the HITEMP2010 database should be used as benchmark solutions to evaluate the accuracy of other approximate models.


80A20 Heat and mass transfer, heat flow (MSC2010)




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