
Extensions of multifunctions. (English) Zbl 0842.28003

If a closed valued (resp. compact valued) lsc (resp. usc) multifunction acts from a subset \(A\) of a metrizable space to subsets of a Polish space, then it can be extended to a \(G_\delta\)-set \(B\) containing \(A\), preserving assumptions concerning the type of values and semicontinuity.
Random versions of theorems of this kind, concerning lower and upper Carathéodory multifunctions of two variables, are proved. The case of Banach space-valued multifunctions, Borel measurability and existence of Carathéodory’s multiselections are also treated.


28B20 Set-valued set functions and measures; integration of set-valued functions; measurable selections
54C60 Set-valued maps in general topology
26E25 Set-valued functions