
Geometric evolution equations in critical dimensions. (English) Zbl 1127.58003

There is a difference in the behaviours of two geometric evolution equations that otherwise show a lot of similarities: the harmonic map heat flow and the Yang-Mills heat flow. Equivariant solutions in the critical dimension can blow up for the former flow [K.-C. Chang, W.-Y. Ding and R. Ye, J. Differ.Geom.36, 507–515 (1992; Zbl 0765.53026)], but they do not for the latter [A. E. Schlatter, M. Struwe and A. S. Tahvildar-Zadeh, Am.J. Math.120, 117–128 (1998; Zbl 0938.58007)].
The current paper discusses what could be the reason for that different behaviour. Basically, the answer is that the calculations for equivariant Yang-Mills solutions behave like they had degree 2 singularities, while equivariant singularities to the harmonic map heat flow want to have degree 1. To support this statement, the authors prove two things: (1) The equivariant harmonic map heat flow does not blow up if the group action forces any possible singularity to have degree \(>1\). (2) The Yang-Mills heat equation, reduced by symmetry and modified in such a way that singularities would correspond to degree 1 singularities of the harmonic map flow, does blow up in finite time for suitable initial data.


58D25 Equations in function spaces; evolution equations
58E20 Harmonic maps, etc.
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