
Orbit equivalence and von Neumann algebras for piecewise linear unimodal maps. (English) Zbl 1131.37007

Summary: We study the orbit equivalence \(R_{f_\alpha}\) of a family of dynamical systems \((I,f_\alpha)\) arising from the tent maps \(f_\alpha\) where \(\alpha\in ]1,2]\). We prove that the associated von Neumann algebra \(L\infty(I)\rtimes R_{f_\alpha}\) is a type III factor whenever \(\alpha\in ]\sqrt 2,2]\) and the orbit of the critical point is periodic.


37A20 Algebraic ergodic theory, cocycles, orbit equivalence, ergodic equivalence relations
37B10 Symbolic dynamics
37E05 Dynamical systems involving maps of the interval
46L35 Classifications of \(C^*\)-algebras