
Zur Asmptotik der hypergeometrischen Funktionen für große Parameterwerte (Asymptotics of hypergeometric functions for large parameters). (German) Zbl 0572.33001

Earlier work of the author on asymptotic expansions for the Gauß hypergeometric function is reconsidered. The type of expansion is \[ F(a,b;c;z)/\Gamma (c)\sim ((-az)^{-b}/\Gamma (c- b))\sum^{\infty}_{\nu =0}c_{\nu}(b,c,z)(b)_{\nu}a^{-\nu} \]
\[ +\lambda (1-z)^{c-b-a}((-az)^{b-z}/\Gamma (b))\sum^{\infty}_{\nu =0}c_{\nu}(c-b-c;z/(z-1))(c-b)_{\nu}a^{-\nu}, \] as \(| a| \to \infty\), z fixed, \(b=o(a^{-\delta})\), \(c=o(a^{-\delta})\) \((\delta >0)\). Among others, extension of the earlier results concerns z: the expansion holds for \(| \arg (1-z)| \leq \pi\). Furthermore, recursion relations for the coefficients \(c_{\nu}\) are derived.
Reviewer: M.M.Temme


33C05 Classical hypergeometric functions, \({}_2F_1\)
41A60 Asymptotic approximations, asymptotic expansions (steepest descent, etc.)
30E15 Asymptotic representations in the complex plane