
A combinatorial approach to evaluation of reliability of the receiver output for BPSK modulation with spatial diversity. (English) Zbl 1087.05062

Consider a noisy signal which transmits an unknown bit and a known reference bit. The receiver takes \(N\) measurements of the signal. The authors use symmetric functions to compute the Taylor series for the probability that the log-likelihood ratio for correct demodulation is less than some bound \(\epsilon\); that is, that the receiver is either wrong or not confidently that the bit was decoded properly, and could make an error in soft-decision decoding. A combinatorial interpretation for the constant term, which corresponds to the hard-decision probability, was given by D. Krob and E. A. Vassilieva [Discrete Appl. Math. 145, 403–421 (2005; Zbl 1061.68117)]. The first \(2N-1\) terms of the Taylor series can be computed from a quotient of multi-Schur functions in two alphabets, which leads to an efficient algorithm for their computation. They can also be written as a sum of products of certain pairs of Schur functions \(s_\lambda(\Delta)s_\mu(X)\) where the tableaux \(\lambda\) and the transpose of \(\mu\) are complementary shapes inside the \(N\times N\) square. The sum has a natural combinatorial interpretation in terms of pairs of tableaux which fit inside the square with a “ribbon” between them. There is a natural extension of the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence which associates a \((0,1)\)-matrix to each such “square tabloid with ribbon.”


05E05 Symmetric functions and generalizations
05E10 Combinatorial aspects of representation theory
68R05 Combinatorics in computer science
94A14 Modulation and demodulation in information and communication theory


Zbl 1061.68117