
Motivic invariants of arc-symmetric sets and blow-Nash equivalence. (English) Zbl 1080.14070

The author defines virtual Betti numbers and a virtual Euler characteristic for real constructible arc-symmetric sets, and respectively an analogue of the Denef-Loeser motivic zeta-function, motivic Poincaré polynomial. It is proven that these objects are invariants with respect to the blow-Nash equivalence. As application, the author gives the blow-Nash classification of Brieskorn polynomials in two variables, and also shows that the blow-Nash equivalence in algebraic families with isolated singularities has no moduli.


14P20 Nash functions and manifolds
14B05 Singularities in algebraic geometry
32S15 Equisingularity (topological and analytic)
14P25 Topology of real algebraic varieties