
Surface de Riemann de bord donné dans \({\mathbb{C}{}}{\mathbb{P}{}}^ 2\). (Riemann surfaces of given boundary in \({\mathbb{C}{}}{\mathbb{P}{}}^ 2\)). (French. Abridged English version) Zbl 0776.32008

Let \(\gamma\) be a linear combination with integral coefficients of integration currents on oriented closed real curves of class \(C^ 2\) of \(\mathbb{C} \mathbb{P}^ 2(w_ 0:w_ 1:w_ 2)\). The main purpose of this note is to establish the following
Theorem: The following conditions are equivalent:
i) \(\gamma\) is the boundary of a holomorphic 1-chain of finite mass of \(\mathbb{C} \mathbb{P}^ 2 \backslash \text{supp} (\gamma)\)
ii) in a neighborhood of a point \((x_ 0,y_ 0) \in \mathbb{C}^ 2\), the function \(1/2 \pi i \int_ \gamma z_ 2(z_ 2-yz_ 2-x)^{-1}d(z_ 1-yz_ 2-x)\) is equal to \(\sum^ A_{k=1}f_ k(x,y)-\sum^ B_{k=1}g_ k(x,y)\) where \(f_ k\) and \(g_ k\) are holomorphic and satisfy a shock wave equation, \(z_ i=w_ i/w_ 0\).
In the special case where \(A=B=0\), one obtains a result of J. Wermer a proof of which by Harvey and Lawson is extended by the authors of this note in the course of the proof of their main result.


32C30 Integration on analytic sets and spaces, currents
53C55 Global differential geometry of Hermitian and Kählerian manifolds

