
Nilpotent orbits and some small unitary representations of indefinite orthogonal groups. (English) Zbl 1082.22009

Summary: For \(2 \leq m \leq 1/2\), let \(G\) be a simply connected Lie group with Lie algebra \(g_0 = so(2m,2l-2m)\), let \(g = k \oplus p\) be the complexification of the usual Cartan decomposition, let \(K\) be the analytic subgroup with Lie algebra \(k \cap g_0\), and let \(U (g)\) be the universal enveloping algebra of \(g\). This work examines the unitarity and \(K\) spectrum of representations in the “analytic continuation” of discrete series of \(G\), relating these properties to orbits in the nilpotent radical of a certain parabolic subalgebra of \(g\).
The roots with respect to the usual compact Cartan subalgebra are all \(\pm e_i \pm e_j\) with \(1 \leq i < j \leq 1\). In the usual positive system of roots, the simple root \(e_m-e_{m+1}\) is noncompact and the other simple roots are compact. Let \(q = 1 \oplus u\) be the parabolic subalgebra of \(g\) for which \(e_m-e_{m+1}\) contributes to \(u\) and the other simple roots contribute to 1, let \(L\) be the analytic subgroup of \(G\) with Lie algebra \(1 \cap g_0\), let \(L^C = \text{Int}_g(l)\), let \(2\delta(u)\) be the sum of the roots contributing to \(u\), and let \(\overline{q}=l \oplus \overline{u}\) be the parabolic subalgebra opposite to \(q\).
The members of \(u \cap p\) are nilpotent members of \(g\). The group \(L^C\) acts on \(u \cap p\) with finitely many orbits, and the topological closure of each orbit is an irreducible algebraic variety. If \(Y\) is one of these varieties, let \(R(Y)\) be the dual coordinate ring of \(Y\); this is a quotient of the algebra of symmetric tensors on \(u \cap p\) that carries a fully reducible representation of \(L^C\).
For an integer \(s\), let \(\lambda_s = \sum_{k=1}^m (-1+s/2)e_k\). Then \(\lambda_s\) defines a one-dimensional \((1,L)\) module \(C_{\lambda_s}\). Extend this to a \((\overline{q},L)\) module by having \(\overline{u}\) act by 0, and define \(N(\lambda_s+2\delta(u)) = U(g) \otimes_{\overline{q}} C_{\lambda_s+2\delta(u)}\). Let \(N'(\lambda_s+2\delta(u))\) be the unique irreducible quotient of \(N(\lambda_s+2\delta(u))\). The representations under study are \(\pi_s = \Pi_S (N(\lambda_s+2\delta(u)))\) and \(\pi'_s=\Pi_S(N'(\lambda_s+2\delta(u)))\), where \(S = \dim(u \cap k)\) and \(\Pi_S\) is the \(S\)th derived Bernstein functor.
For \(s > 2l-2\), it is known that \(\pi_s = \pi'_s\) and that \(\pi'_s\) is in the discrete series. Enright, Parthasarathy, Wallach, and Wolf showed for \(m \leq s \leq 2l-2\) that \(\pi_s = \pi'_s\) and that \(\pi'_s\) is still unitary. The present paper shows that \(\pi'_s\) is unitary for \(0 \leq s \leq m-1\) even though \(\pi_s \neq \pi'_s\), and it relates the \(K\) spectrum of the representations \(\pi'_s\) to the representation of \(L^C\) on a suitable \(R(Y)\) with \(Y\) depending on \(s\). Use of a branching formula of D. E. Littlewood allows one to obtain an explicit multiplicity formula for each \(K\) type in \(\pi'_s\). The chieftools involved are an idea of \(B \). Gross and Wallach, a geometric interpretation of Littlewood’s theorem, and some estimates of norms.
It is shown further that the natural invariant Hermitian form on \(\pi'_s\) does not make \(\pi'_s\) unitary for \(s < 0\) and that the \(K\) spectrum of \(\pi'_s\) in these cases is not related in the above way to the representation of \(L^C\) on any \(R(Y)\).
A final section of the paper treats in similar fashion the simply connected Lie group with Lie algebra \(g_0=\text{so}(2m,2l-2n+1)\), \(2 \leq m \leq 1/2\).


22E45 Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over real fields: analytic methods
20G20 Linear algebraic groups over the reals, the complexes, the quaternions
14L35 Classical groups (algebro-geometric aspects)
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