
On boundary value problems for a nonlinear equation of gravitation theory. (O kraevykh zadachakh dlya odnogo neglinejnogo uravneniya teorii gravitatsii). (Russian) Zbl 0668.34001

Moskva: Izdatel’stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta. 86 p. R. 0.15 (1986).
Properties of solutions of the nonlinear ODE \[ (1)\quad y''+\frac{2}{x}y'-\frac{(y')^ 2m}{y(y-2m)}-\frac{(y- 2m)}{y}[\frac{m}{y^ 2}+\frac{2y}{x^ 2}]=0 \] in the theory of gravitation [E. I. Moiseev; V. A. Sadovnichii, On the solution of a nonlinear equation in theory of gravitation on the basis of Minkowski space, Moscow State Univ. Press (1984)] are here studied. This problem was proposed by A. A. Logunov with A. A. Vlasov [Minkowski space as a basics of physical theory of gravitation, Moscow State Univ. Press (1984)] for statistical spherically symmetric gravitational field. The uniqueness of solution and asymptotics of the solution at the inifinity are found for an external problem; for the internal problem the solvability is proved. This book is devoted to students and graduates studying in the field of applied mathematics and theoretical physics.
Reviewer: J.Tian


34-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to ordinary differential equations
34B99 Boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations
34A34 Nonlinear ordinary differential equations and systems
34E05 Asymptotic expansions of solutions to ordinary differential equations
83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field