
1996 proceedings of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science. Papers presented at the annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Chicago, IL, USA, August 4–8, 1996 and the International Society for Bayesian Analysis 1996 North American Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, August 2–3, 1996. (English) Zbl 0877.62002

Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. viii, 350 p. (1996).
The articles of this volume will not be indexed individually. It contains the following papers:
Colin McCulloch, Jacob Laading, Alyson Wilson, and Valen Johnson, A shape-based framework for automated image segmentation; Mithat Gönen and Peter H. Westfall, Bayes factors for variance components; Lawrence Marsh and Arnold Zellner, Bayesian solutions to a class of selection problems; Giovanni Petris, Bayesian spectral analysis of long memory time series; F. Jay Breidt and Alicia L. Carriquiry, Bayesian estimation of genetic trends; C. S. Wang, R. L. Quaas, and E. J. Pollak, Bayesian analysis of calving ease scores and birth weights; Giulianella Coletti, Updating and Extension of coherent conditional probabilities; Giulio D’Agostini, A theory of measurement uncertainty based on conditional probability; Frank Lad, Three useful applications of conditional probability, understood as an assertion of uncertain knowledge; Jose Mario Quintana and Bluford H. Putnam, Debating currency markets efficiency using dynamic multiple-factor models; Elizabeth R. DeLong, Charlotte L. Nelson, John B. Wong, Stephen G. Pauker and David B. Pryor, The ischemic heart disease port as related to guideline development; Getachew Asfaw Dagne and S. James Press, Robustness of the directional neighborhoods approach to image classification with respect to spatial correlation; John F. Shortle and Max B. Mendel, Probabilistic design of rotors: minimizing imbalance; Nozer Singpurwalla and Joseph N. Skwish, Data fusion and maintenance policies for continuous production processes; Michael K. Pitt and Neil Shephard, Antithetic variables for MCMC methods applied to non-gaussian state space models; William Griffiths, Tim Coelli, and Graeme Thomson, Predicting a product from seemingly unrelated regressions; Julene Kemp, J. L. Madrigal, and Del T. Scott, An examination of pairwise comparison using the dynamic linear model for unbalanced data; Ming-Hui Chen, Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for evaluating multidimensional integrals. With application to Bayesian computation; Woollcott Smith, Andrew R. Solow, and Peter E. Preston, A Bayes approach to the species overlap problem; Andrew R. Solow, Bayesian methods for inference about extinction times; Fabrizio Ruggeri and Brani Vidakovic, A Bayesian decision theoretic approach to wavelet thresholding: scale parameter models; Omar Aguilar, Wavelet and autoregressive decomposition for evaluating frequency composition in time series; Marina Vannucci and Fabio Corradi, Model shrinking of wavelet coefficients and applications; Maurits Malfait, Maarten Jansen and Dirk Roose, Bayesian approach to wavelet-based image processing; Richard J. Patz, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for incomplete, multiple item type educational assessment data; J. Alex Stark and William J. Fitzgerald, Matrix gyrations and model selection; Bradley P. Carlin, Lance A. Waller Hong Xia and Alan E. Gelfand, Spatio-temporal hierarchical modeling of disease rates; Christoper H. Schmid and Emery N. Brown, A hierarchical Bayes model for human growth; P. K. Vlachos and A. E. Gelfand, Design of group sequential clinical trials: A Bayesian decision theoretic approach; Mary Kathryn Cowles, Bayesian joint accelerated failure time models for surrogate markers and survival time; Judea Pearl, Covariate selection: A simple solution to a long-standing problem; R. Todd Ogden, Wavelets in Bayesian change-point analysis; Lynn Kuo and Bani Mallick, Bayesian variable selection for regression models; Jacinto Martín, David Ríos Insua and Fabrizio Ruggeri, Checking dominance for several classes of loss functions; Richard Simon and Laurence S. Freedman, Bayesian design and analysis of 2 by 2 factorial clinical trials; Balakrishna Hosmane, Kannan Natarajan, and Guoliang Cao, Bayesian inference for dose-response model with dependent binary data; Getachew Asfaw Dagne and S. James Press, Bayesian predication for small areas using SUR models; Marianna Pensky, A wavelet approach to nonparametric empirical Bayes estimation; Michael Smith and Robert Kohn, Bayesian robust nonparametric regression; Zvi Covaliu and Refik Soyer, Bayesian project management; Hugo A. Keuzenkamp and Michael McAleer, The complexity of simplicity; L. Mark Berliner, Simplicity and complexity in scientific models; R. Carter and A. Zellner, The ARAR model for time series; Gary Koop and Herman K. van Dijk, Testing for integration using evolving trend models; Kajal Lahiri and Manimoy Paul, Relative performance of pre-test estimators in the presence of a unit root; John G. Wilson and Elmira Popova, Bayesian approaches to maintenance intervention; William Griffiths and Rebecca Valenzuela, Bayesian estimation of a linear expenditure system with some zero expenditures; Thomas Heckelei, Ron C. Mittelhammer and Thomas I. Wahl, Evaluation of equality and inequality restrictions for a meat demand system: A robust Bayesian bootstrap approach; Sergio Lence and Douglas Miller, Estimation of multi-output production functions without activity-specific input data; Garth J. Holloway, Frank M. Han and T. J. Wyatt, Inferences about the farm problem in a non-nested, switching-regression framework; Jeffrey H. Dorfman, A new approach to composite qualitative forecasting; Tim Swartz, Bayesian goodness-of-fit; Arkady Shemyakin, Sensitivity of a Markowitz type model to Bayesian inputs; Bruno Betrò, Alessandra Guglielmi and Francesca Rossi, Robust Bayesian analysis for the power law process; Yeu-Shiang Huang and Vicki M. Bier, Natural conjugate prior distributions for nonhomogeneous Poisson processes; Woojune Yi and Vicki M. Bier, \(n\)-dimensional prior distributions with arbitrary marginal distributions and correlation coefficients; Eric T. Bradlow and Alan M. Zaslavsky, Case influence analysis in Bayesian inference; Cinzia Carota, Mixtures of Dirichlet processes according to a Dirichlet process; Amos Golan and George Judge, A simultaneous estimation and variable selection rule using a generalized maximum entropy estimator; Minoru Hayashida, Forecasting growth rates of gross city products in Japan using Bayesian shrinkage ABIC and Gibbs sampler; Thomas J. Jiang, Bayesian method for informatively censored categorical data; Frank Lad, What should we teach students of mathematical statistics about probability?; Dale J. Poirier, Local Bayes factor approximations; David Ríos Insua, Fabrizio Ruggeri and Michael Wiper, Bayesian analysis of some queues; Teruo Nakatsuma and Hiroki Tsurumi, ARMA-GARCH models: Bayes estimation versus MLE, and Bayes non-stationarity test.


62-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to statistics
62F15 Bayesian inference
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 0850.94003