
Asymptotic methods in the investigation of stochastic models. Collection of scientific works. (Asimptoticheskie metody v issledovanii stokhasticheskikh modelej. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov). (Russian) Zbl 0658.60005

Kiev: Institut Matematiki AN USSR. 147 p. R. 1.05 (1987).
The articles of this volume (all in Russian) will not be reviewed individually.
Contents: N. S. Bratijchuk, The moment of reaching the level by a semi-continuous lattice walk on a countable-valued Markov chain (p. 4- 10); V. A. Gasanenko, The Wiener process in a narrow strip (p. 11- 17); Z. A. Grikh, Statistical modeling of isotropic random fields on a sphere (p. 18-20); D. V. Gusak, A. I. Tureniyazova, Distribution of some functionals for lattice Poisson processes on a Markov chain (p. 21-27); A. N. Demenin, M. M. Diesperova, Limit relations for characteristic functions of solutions of a system of linear differential equations with random coefficients (p. 28-38); V. V. Dobrovol’skij, Localization of eigenvalues of stochastic matrices in case of a pure imaginary perturbation (p. 39-45); A. M. Dukhovnyj, Combined feedback in systems with group arrival and service (p. 46-54); Yu. D. Zhdanova, Distribution of hitting moments for the random walk on a finite Abelian group (p. 55-59), A. Yu. Zaigraev, Experimental design in Banach spaces in case of estimation of linear functions of unknown regression parameters (p. 60-66); V. V. Zayats, Grenander-Rosenblatt type statistics with a time window (p. 67- 80); V. S. Korolyuk, Yu. V. Borovskikh, The functional limit theorem for the mean square deviation of a density estimator (p. 81-84); M. N. Marushin, On the convergence to moments of the Poisson law for sums of a random number of independent variables (p. 85-88); O. Melyaeva, Estimation of the mean square convergence rate for nuclear density estimates (p. 89-91); N. V. Pratsevityj, Random variables with independent \(Q_ 2\)-symbols. (p. 92-102); A. V. Svishchuk, Limit theorems for semi-Markov random-motions on Lie groups (p. 103-109); I. O. Solopko, V. V. Zayats, On the hybrid selection method of a polynomial-trigonometric trend (p. 110-115); A. F. Turbin, M. M. Novikov, Stationary characteristics of the queueing system GI\(| G| 2| 0\) (p. 116-125); A. P. Cherenkov, Optimal subdivision of data into blocks with the help of semi-Markov processes (p. 126-129); Yu. V. Yatsishin, Some properties of an abstract complexity measure of computations (p. 130-139).


60-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to probability theory
00Bxx Conference proceedings and collections of articles
62-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to statistics
60F17 Functional limit theorems; invariance principles
60K15 Markov renewal processes, semi-Markov processes
60K25 Queueing theory (aspects of probability theory)
60B15 Probability measures on groups or semigroups, Fourier transforms, factorization
62K05 Optimal statistical designs