
Improving the accuracy and internal consistency of regression-based clustering of high-dimensional datasets. (English) Zbl 1538.62196

Summary: Component-wise Sparse Mixture Regression (CSMR) is a recently proposed regression-based clustering method that shows promise in detecting heterogeneous relationships between molecular markers and a continuous phenotype of interest. However, CSMR can yield inconsistent results when applied to high-dimensional molecular data, which we hypothesize is in part due to inherent limitations associated with the feature selection method used in the CSMR algorithm. To assess this hypothesis, we explored whether substituting different regularized regression methods (i.e. Lasso, Elastic Net, Smoothly Clipped Absolute Deviation (SCAD), Minmax Convex Penalty (MCP), and Adaptive-Lasso) within the CSMR framework can improve the clustering accuracy and internal consistency (IC) of CSMR in high-dimensional settings. We calculated the true positive rate (TPR), true negative rate (TNR), IC and clustering accuracy of our proposed modifications, benchmarked against the existing CSMR algorithm, using an extensive set of simulation studies and real biological datasets. Our results demonstrated that substituting Adaptive-Lasso within the existing feature selection method used in CSMR led to significantly improved IC and clustering accuracy, with strong performance even in high-dimensional scenarios. In conclusion, our modifications of the CSMR method resulted in improved clustering performance and may thus serve as viable alternatives for the regression-based clustering of high-dimensional datasets.


62H30 Classification and discrimination; cluster analysis (statistical aspects)
62J07 Ridge regression; shrinkage estimators (Lasso)
62P10 Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis


RobMixReg; flexmix
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