[Fujii, N.; Koski, T.; Kunisch, K.; Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M.; Powers, R. K.; Wang, P. K. C.; Aubrun, J.-N.; Lorell, K. R.; Havas, T. W.; Henninger, W. C.; Riddle, L. R.; Weinert, H. L.; Rodriguez, G.; Scheid, R. E. jun.; Sakawa, Y.; Simo, J. C.; Vu-Quoc, L.; Forrest-Barlach, M. G.; Seraji, H.; Juang, J.-N.; Taylor, L. W.; Araya, R.; Woo, R.; Marzwell, N.; Wang, S. J.; Preumont, A.; Welt, F.; Modi, V. J.; Bar-Kana, I.; Kaufman, H.; Utku, S.; Salama, M.; Garba, J.; Yousuff, A.; Tan, T. M.; Bahar, L. Y.; Eldred, D.; Yeung Yam; Boussalis, D.; Shyh Jong Wang; Delfour, M. C.; Payre, G.; Rideau, P.; Baillieul, J.; Levi, M.; Burke, S. E.; Hubbard, J. E. jun.; Ibrahim, A. M.; Gay, D. H.; Ray, W. Harmon; Babary, J. P.; Hariri, A.; Omatu, S.; Seinfeld, J. H.; Helferty, J. J.; Fischl, R.; Herczfeld, P. R.; Brisbane, T. E.; Amouroux, M.; El Alami, N.; Tezuka, S.; Kimura, M.; Saito, Y.; Sekine, T.; Fathi, Z.; Ramirez, W. F.; El Jai, A.; De Lafontaine, J.; Stieber, M. E.; Balas, M.; Minnick, D.; Musalem, A.; Wen, J.; Ramamurthi, K.; Ahmadian, M.; Ih, Che-Hang Charles; Bayard, D. S.; Franke, D.; Capitani, G.; Tibaldi, M.; Bertoni, G.; Curtain, R. F.; Kotelenez, P.; Sridhar, B.; Bontsema, J.; Schumacher, J. M.; Zak, M.; Kubrusly, C. S.; Milman, M.; Schumitzky, A.; Rong, Situ; Panossian, H. V.; Wu, Z. S.; Banks, H. T.; Rosen, I. G.; Wang, C.; Yih-Fong Chang; Tsu-Tian Lee; Keyhani, A.; Yurkovich, S.; Miri, S. M.; Hadaegh, F. Y.; Meldrum, D.; Chen, Jay-Chung; Sunahara, Y.; Kojima, F.; Lilly, J. H.; Ohnaka, K.; Uosaki, K.; Felippe de Souza, J. A. M.; Kern, M.; Passeron, L.; Sevennec, B.; El Bagdouri, M.; Jarny, Y.; Simon, J.; Milman, M. H.; Saif, M.; Villaseca, F. E.; Zhao, Yi; Liu, Mingyan; Yu, Wenhuan; Levan, N.; Sinha, A. S. C.; Vieira, P. C. M.; Bentsman, J.; Meerkov, S. M.; Xianshu Shu; Pritchard, A. J.; Townley, S.; Balas, M. J.; Ouyang, J. J.; Seidman, T. I.; Malebranche, H.; Fiagbedzi, Y. A.; Pearson, A. E.; Marshall, J. E.; Walton, K.; Graham, J. W.; Sarwal, S. N.]

Control of distributed parameter systems 1986. Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Symposium, Los Angeles, California, USA, June 30-July 2, 1986. (English) Zbl 0693.93004

IFAC Proceedings Series, 1987, No. 3. International Federation of Automatic Control. Oxford etc.: Pergamon Press. XI, 502 p. £90.00; $ 156.00 (1987).
Contents: Plenary papers:
N. Fujii, Domain optimization problems with a boundary value problem as a constraint, pp. 5-10.
T. Koski, Martingale methods for loglikelihood identification of some stochastic evolution equations, pp. 11-16.
K. Kunisch, A survey of some recent results on the output least squares formulation of parameter estimation problems, pp. 17-24.
J. A. Burns, E. M. Cliff, R. K. Powers, Modeling and control of an aeroelastic system, pp. 25-30.
Dynamic systems:
P. K. C. Wang, Stabilization of elastic systems by means of computer vision feedback, pp. 31-38. J.-N. Aubrun, K. R. Lorell, T. W. Havas, W. C. Henninger, Performance analysis of the segment alignment control system for the ten meter telescope, pp. 39-48.
L. R. Riddle, H. L. Weinert, Recursive linear smoothing for the 2-D Helmholtz equation, pp. 49-54.
G. Rodriguez, R. E. Scheid, jun., An integrated approach to modeling, identification, estimation and control for static distributed systems, pp. 55-62.
Flexible manipulators:
Y. Sakawa, Modeling and control of a flexible manipulator with three axes, pp. 63-68.
J. C. Simo, L. Vu-Quoc, A novel approach to the dynamics of flexible robot arms, pp. 69-74.
M. G. Forrest-Barlach, On modelling a flexible robot arm as a distributed parameter system with nonhomogeneous, time-varying boundary conditions, pp. 75-82.
H. Seraji, Design of adaptive end-effector controllers for manipulators, pp. 83-90.
Large flexible structures:
J.-N. Juang, L. W. Taylor, Experiments for control of large space structures, pp. 91-96.
R. Araya, Time-optimal control of a large space structure, pp. 97-100.
R. Woo, N. Marzwell, S. J. Wang, Large space structure experiments on the space station: A system view, pp. 101-108.
A. Preumont, Spillover alleviation in active control of flexible structure, pp. 109-114.
F. Welt, V. J. Modi, On the control of instabilities in fluid-structure interaction problems, pp. 115-120.
I. Bar-Kana, H. Kaufman, Robust simplified adaptive control of large flexible space structures, pp. 121- 126.
S. Utku, M. Salama, J. Garba, An algorithm for computing the optimal control of large structural systems, pp. 127-132.
A. Yousuff, T. M. Tan, L. Y. Bahar, Control of flexible structures by finite element-transfer matrix approach, pp. 133-136.
D. Eldred, Yeung Yam, D. Boussalis, Shyh Jong Wang, Large flexible structure control technology experiment and facility design, pp. 137-146.
Elastic structures:
M. C. Delfour, G. Payre, P. Rideau, Numerical computation of eigenvalues for linear structures by Kuhn’s method, pp. 147-154.
J. Baillieul, M. Levi, The rotational mechanics of a simple elastic structure, pp. 155-160.
S. E. Burke, J. E. Hubbard jun., Distributed parameter control design for vibrating beams using generalized functions, pp. 161-166.
A. M. Ibrahim, V. J. Modi, Transient dynamics during extension of flexible members, pp. 167- 172.
Chemical systems:
D. H. Gay, W. Harmon Ray, Identification and control of linear distributed parameters systems through the use of experimentally determined singular functions, pp. 173-180.
J. P. Babary, A. Hariri, On optimal control of an epitaxial reactor, pp. 181-184.
S. Omatu, J. H. Seinfeld, Estimation of nitrogen dioxide concentrations in the vicinity of a roadway by optimal filtering theory, pp. 185-192.
J. J. Helferty, R. Fischl, P. R. Herczfeld, T. E. Brisbane, Solar collector loop modeling and experimental validation for distributed parameter models from experimental data, pp. 193-198.
M. Amouroux, N. El Alami, Minimum energy control of a thermal storage system, pp. 199-204.
S. Tezuka, M. Kimura, Y. Saito, T. Sekine, Uniform cooling technique for mechanical properties control in multipurpose accelerated cooling system (MACS) for steel plates, pp. 205-210.
Z. Fathi, W. F. Ramirez, Optimization of an enhanced oil recovery process with boundary controls, pp. 211-214.
Sensor and actuator placement:
S. Omatu, J. H. Seinfeld, Optimal sensor and actuator locations for linear distributed parameter systems, pp. 215-220.
A. El Jai, Controllability and observability via actuators and sensors structure for a class of hyperbolic systems, pp. 221-224.
J. De Lafontaine, M. E. Stieber, Sensor/actuator selection and placement for control of elastic continua, pp. 225-232.
Modelling and control:
H. Kaufman, M. Balas, D. Minnick, A. Musalem, Model reference control of distributed parameter systems with applications to the scole problem, pp. 233-240.
J. Wen, Robust model reference control for distributed parameter systems, pp. 241-246.
K. Ramamurthi, M. Ahmadian, Model referenced adaptive control for an industrial manipulator, pp. 247-252.
Che-Hang Charles Ih, D. S. Bayard, Shyh Jong Wang, Space station adaptive payload articulation control, pp. 253-262.
D. Franke, Robust variable structure control of uncertain distributed parameter systems, pp. 263- 268.
G. Capitani, M. Tibaldi, G. Bertoni, A. Yousuff, Integrated control of distributed parameter systems, pp. 269- 274.
R. F. Curtain, P. Kotelenez, Stochastic models for uncertain flexible systems, pp. 275-280.
B. Sridhar, J.-N. Aubrun, K. R. Lorell, Analytical approximation of the dynamics of a segmented optical system, pp. 281-286.
J. Bontsema, R. F. Curtain, J. M. Schumacher, Comparison of some partial differential equation models of flexible structures, pp. 287-292.
M. Zak, Modeling of controlled flexible structures with impulsive loads, pp. 293- 296.
Stochastic systems:
C. S. Kubrusly, Stability for stochastic infinite-dimensional bilinear systems, pp. 297-300.
M. Milman, A. Schumitzky, A factorization approach to optimal causal estimation and control of stochastic systems in Hilbert space, pp. 301-306.
Situ Rong, Strong solutions and pathwise control for multidimensional nonlinear stochastic system with jumps, pp. 307-312.
H. V. Panossian, Suboptimal stochastic control of discrete-time distributed parameter systems with noisy and partial measurements, pp. 313-316.
Z. S. Wu, On the existence of optimal partially observed controls of diffusions with jumps, pp. 317-322.
M. Zak, Intrinsic stochasticity in controlled structures, pp. 323-326.
H. T. Banks, I. G. Rosen, C. Wang, Estimation of stiffness and damping in cantilevered Euler-Bernoulli beams with tip bodies, pp. 327-332.
Yih-Fong Chang, Tsu-Tian Lee, Analysis and identification of linear distributed systems via double general orthogonal polynomials, pp. 333-338.
A. Keyhani, S. Yurkovich, S. M. Miri, Identification of the physical parameters of a noisy process in discrete and continuous-time domains, pp. 339-344.
D. S. Bayard, F. Y. Hadaegh, D. Meldrum,Optimal experiment design for on-orbit identification of flexible body parameters in large space structures, pp. 345-350.
Jay-Chung Chen, J.A. Garba, Structural damage assessment using a system identification technique, pp. 351-358.
Y. Sunahara, F. Kojima, Boundary identification for a two-dimensional diffusion system under noisy observations, pp. 359-364.
J. H. Lilly, Adaptive parameter estimation of infinite-dimensional systems, pp. 365-370.
K. Ohnaka, K. Uosaki, Boundary element approach for identification of distributed parameter systems of diffusion type, pp. 371-376.
J. A. M. Felippe de Souza, Control, state estimation and parameter identification of nonlinear distributed parameter systems using fixed point techniques: A survey, pp. 377-382.
Optimal control:
M. C. Delfour, M. Kern, L. Passeron, B. Sevennec, Modelling of a rotating flexible beam, pp. 383-388.
M. El Bagdouri, Y. Jarny, Optimal boundary control of a thermal system: Inverse conduction problem, pp. 389-394.
J. Simon, Variations with respect to domain for Neumann condition, pp. 395-400.
M. H. Milman, R. E. Scheid, jun., Numerical methods for finite-time quadratic control of infinite-dimensional systems, pp. 401-406.
M. Saif, F. E. Villaseca, Optimal control under distributed sensor failure detectors, pp. 407-412.
Zhao Yi, A class of nonlinear distributed parameter control systems with closed dissipative operator, pp. 413-418.
Zhao Yi, Liu Mingyan, A discussion on the attainability and optimal control for a class of bilinear systems, pp. 419-424.
Yu Wenhuan, On maximum principle for optimality of quasi-linear parabolic systems, pp. 425-430.
N. Fujii, Second variation and its application in a domain optimization problem, pp. 431-436.
Stabilization and control:
N. Levan, On stabilizability of conservative systems, pp. 437-442.
A. S. C. Sinha, Some results on stabilization of infinite dimensional control systems, pp. 443-446.
P. C. M. Vieira, On stability of infinite dimensional linear autonomous systems, pp. 447-452.
J. Bentsman, S. M. Meerkov, Xianshu Shu, Vibrational stabilizability of a class of distributed parameter systems, pp. 453-458.
A. J. Pritchard, S. Townley, Robustness of infinite dimensional systems, pp. 459-462.
M. J. Balas, J. J. Ouyang, Stable finite-dimensional control of linear DPS using very low-order residual mode filters, pp. 463-470.
T. I. Seidman, A one-sided miscellany, pp. 471-474.
H. Malebranche, Affine approximation for nonlinear distributed systems filtering, pp. 475-478.
Y. A. Fiagbedzi, A. E. Pearson, A finite dimensional approach to the feedback stabilization of distributed time lag systems, pp. 479-484.
J. E. Marshall, K. Walton, A review of analytical methods for control of time-delay systems, pp. 485-490.
J. W. Graham, S. N. Sarwal, A control system model for a class of distributed parameter system, pp. 491-499.


93-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to systems and control theory
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
93C20 Control/observation systems governed by partial differential equations