
Determining liquid structure from the tail of the direct correlation function. (English) Zbl 1107.82383

Summary: In important early work, Stell showed that one can determine the pair correlation function \(h(r)\) of the hard-sphere fluid for all distances \(r\) by specifying only the ‘tail’ of the direct correlation function \(c(r)\) at separations greater than the hard-core diameter. We extend this idea in a very natural way to potentials with a soft repulsive core of finite extent and a weaker and longer ranged tail. We introduce a new continuous function \(T(r)\) which reduces exactly to the tail of \(c(r)\) outside the (soft) core region and show that both \(h(r)\) and \(c(r)\) depend only on the ‘out projection’ of \(T(r)\): i.e., the product of the Boltzmann factor of the repulsive core potential times \(T(r)\). Standard integral equation closures can thus be reinterpreted and assessed in terms of their predictions for the tail of \(c(r)\) and simple approximations for its form suggest new closures. A new and very efficient variational method is proposed for solving the Ornstein-Zernike equation given an approximation for the tail of \(c\). Initial applications of these ideas to the Lennard-Jones and the hard-core Yukawa fluid are discussed.


82D15 Statistical mechanics of liquids