
Stochastic forward-backward splitting for monotone inclusions. (English) Zbl 06586792

Summary: We propose and analyze the convergence of a novel stochastic algorithm for monotone inclusions that are sum of a maximal monotone operator and a single-valued cocoercive operator. The algorithm we propose is a natural stochastic extension of the classical forward-backward method. We provide a non-asymptotic error analysis in expectation for the strongly monotone case, as well as almost sure convergence under weaker assumptions. For minimization problems, we recover rates matching those obtained by stochastic extensions of the so-called accelerated methods. Stochastic quasi-Fejér’s sequences are a key technical tool to prove almost sure convergence.


47H05 Monotone operators and generalizations
90C15 Stochastic programming
65K10 Numerical optimization and variational techniques
90C25 Convex programming


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