
Synchronous monitoring of \(\gamma, \beta \)-background and atmospheric precipitations in geophysical observatories of IMCES SB RAS and BEC IAO SB RAS. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 1474.86012

Summary: A synchronous experiment to study the dynamics of radiation quantities in various conditions: the urban environment and open countryside was carried out in August-September 2020. Every minute measurements of the ambient dose equivalent rate of \(\gamma \)-radiation, \( \beta \)-radiation flux density were made at 1 m height in the territories of the IMCES SB RAS geophysical observatory and at the BEC station of IAO SB RAS. Both monitoring points were equipped with OPTIOS optical rain gauges. The main purpose of the study was to study the differences in the response of the \(\beta \)- and \(\gamma \)-radiation background to liquid atmospheric precipitation inside the urban environment and in open areas, far from urban infrastructure and forests. It has been proven that monitoring point located within the city adequately reflects the meteorological situation, at least within a radius of 3 km.


86A10 Meteorology and atmospheric physics


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