
Rotational motion of fractional Maxwell fluids in a circular duct due to a time-dependent couple. (English) Zbl 1524.76020

Summary: The rotational motion of fractional Maxwell fluids in an infinite circular cylinder that applies a time-dependent but not oscillating couple stress to the fluid is investigated using the integral transform technique. Such a flow model was not analyzed in the past both for ordinary and fractional rate type fluids. This is due to their constitutive equations which contain differential expressions acting on the shear stresses. The obtained solutions fulfill all the enforced initial and boundary conditions and are easily reduced to the solutions of Newtonian or ordinary Maxwell fluids having similar motion. At the end, the influence of pertinent parameters on velocity and shear stress variations is graphically underlined and discussed.


76A10 Viscoelastic fluids
35R11 Fractional partial differential equations


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