
Substitutions on compact alphabets. arXiv:2204.07516

Preprint, arXiv:2204.07516 [math.DS] (2022).
Summary: We develop a systematic approach to continuous substitutions on compact Hausdorff alphabets. Focussing on implications of irreducibility and primitivity, we highlight important features of the topological dynamics of their subshifts. We then reframe questions from ergodic theory in terms of spectral properties of a corresponding substitution operator. This requires an extension of standard Perron–Frobenius theory to the setting of Banach lattices. As an application, we identify computable criteria that guarantee quasi-compactness of the substitution operator and hence unique ergodicity of the associated subshift.


37B10 Symbolic dynamics
47B65 Positive linear operators and order-bounded operators
52C23 Quasicrystals and aperiodic tilings in discrete geometry
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