
How large can the SM contribution to CP violation in \( {D_0} - {\overline{D}_0} \) mixing be? (English) Zbl 1271.81192

Summary: We reconsider the leading HQE contributions to the absorptive part of the mixing amplitude of neutral \(D\) mesons by taking also {\(\alpha_s\)} corrections and subleading 1/\(m_c\) corrections into account. We show that these contributions to \(\Gamma_{12}\) do not vanish in the exact SU(3)\({}_F\) limit and they also can have a large phase. Moreover, we give an example of a new physics model that can enhance these leading HQE terms to \(\Gamma_{12}\), which are orders of magnitude lower than the current experimental expectation, by one to two orders of magnitude.


81V22 Unified quantum theories
81V05 Strong interaction, including quantum chromodynamics
81V35 Nuclear physics


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