
Slit-strip Ising boundary conformal field theory. I: Discrete and continuous function spaces. (English) Zbl 1508.30085

Summary: This is the first in a series of articles about recovering the full algebraic structure of a boundary conformal field theory (CFT) from the scaling limit of the critical Ising model in slit-strip geometry. Here, we introduce spaces of holomorphic functions in continuum domains as well as corresponding spaces of discrete holomorphic functions in lattice domains. We find distinguished sets of functions characterized by their singular behavior in the three infinite directions in the slit-strip domains, and note in particular that natural subsets of these functions span analogues of Hardy spaces. We prove convergence results of the distinguished discrete holomorphic functions to the continuum ones. In the subsequent articles, the discrete holomorphic functions will be used for the calculation of the Ising model fusion coefficients (as well as for the diagonalization of the Ising transfer matrix), and the convergence of the functions is used to prove the convergence of the fusion coefficients. It will also be shown that the vertex operator algebra of the boundary conformal field theory can be recovered from the limit of the fusion coefficients via geometric transformations involving the distinguished continuum functions.


30G25 Discrete analytic functions
81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics
46N55 Applications of functional analysis in statistical physics
82B20 Lattice systems (Ising, dimer, Potts, etc.) and systems on graphs arising in equilibrium statistical mechanics


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