
A limit set trichotomy for order-preserving systems on time scales. (English) Zbl 1059.37016

Let \(T\) be a time scale and \(X\) a metric space. A mapping \(\varphi:\{(t,\tau)\in T^2:\,\tau\leq t\}\times X\to X\) is said to be a \(2\)-parameter semiflow on \(X\) (or evolutionary process), if the mappings \(\varphi(t,\tau,\cdot)=\varphi(t,\tau) : X \to X\), \(\tau\leq t\), satisfy the following properties: (i) \(\varphi(\tau,\tau)x=x\) for all \(\tau\in T\), \(x\in X\), (ii) \(\varphi(t,s)\varphi(s,\tau)=\varphi(t,\tau)\) for all \(\tau,s,t\in T\), \(\tau\leq s\leq t\), (iii) \(\varphi(\,\cdot,\cdot)x:\{(t,\tau)\in T^2:\,\tau\leq t\} \to X\) is continuous for all \(x\in X\). The authors consider such systems that are also order preserving in normal cones of strongly ordered Banach spaces. Then, it appears that there are only three possible asymptotic behaviors and they are analyzed in the paper. This, in particular, generalizes an old theorem of Müller and is applied to a specific model from population dynamics.


37C65 Monotone flows as dynamical systems
37B55 Topological dynamics of nonautonomous systems
92D25 Population dynamics (general)
34D05 Asymptotic properties of solutions to ordinary differential equations